Let’s evaluate the benefits of sex with escort girls

Sep 22, 2022
Let’s evaluate the benefits of sex with escort girls

Our age already allows us to have sex only to satisfy a physiological need, without plans for a future together, relationships and feelings. People who have sex without commitment and attachment, for example with prostitutes, are not blamed in society, but are accepted as completely normal partners. But does sex without commitment really bring pleasure to those who engage in it? Do the satisfaction, the pleasure that comes with the sexual contact of lovers come? After all, people are driven to sex not only by instinct, but also by feelings. Now there is a very sharp division between having sex and making love, these are 2 completely different things. Modern sex resembles a sport that brings pleasure. There are no emotions, sentiments and feelings in it. And making love is a much larger event in terms of the volume of moments experienced. It is worth trying to openly reflect on this topic, without going into the norms of morality and rethinking values.

Why did they think that having sex without love is good?

- Harm from abstinence. Scientists have reported that prolonged abstinence is harmful to the body, it provokes stress, from which even depression can develop. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to have sex even in the absence of feelings for a partner, the main thing is that he does not make it worse, that is, he is reliable and more or less permanent. These services can be found in escort agencies or in individuals of escort girls

- Energy recovery. A person who leads an active sexual life is more energetic in ordinary life. Hormones produced during sex and orgasm will give a person a good mood, cheerfulness and save from fatigue. The surrounding world seems somewhat more beautiful.

- Raising self-esteem. From lack of sex, self-esteem drops and self-confidence decreases very quickly. People start to think that they were bad in past relationships or not worthy of new ones. High-quality sex will dispel these thoughts and restore self-confidence, giving an impetus towards a new relationship.

- Destruction of routine. Sometimes you want to get out of the pool of study, work, boring life and boring schedule. Spontaneous sex will help, especially for people who do not have a relationship or an object of desire. Do not think long about the consequences. The main thing is safety, the rest does not count.

But it’s still not so good. Why?

- Only partial satisfaction. High-quality sex, of course, will strengthen a person, make him a little happier and give new emotions. But if a person wanted feelings or love, it can destroy him. Girls who are in search of a permanent partner, love and family are categorically prohibited from such experiments, they will only give disappointment and unpleasant sensations. Love for sex acts as a seasoning. Without it, it is often bland and tasteless.

- Sideways glances. It is not useful for women to have many sexual partners, so they can get a very unflattering characteristic in society, which will affect life when a lady wants to start a family and a permanent man.

- Danger to health. A lot of all kinds of diseases are transmitted sexually. You can’t ask a random partner for a certificate, and some diseases can be obtained even using a condom as a contraceptive.

- Lack of privacy. People who lead a cheeky sex life often forget to stop when it is no longer necessary, and do not have time in the kaleidoscope of time to think about family and the future, what they worry about after.

And what is the result?

When can you think about having sex with prostitutes without love and start looking for a partner:

- when there is a long period of sexual abstinence, the mood deteriorates and depression knocks on the threshold;

- when there is no one to build a relationship with, and life is monotonous and boring;

- when there is an object of lust, before which it is impossible to resist, if this object does not mind having fun, but, for some reason, does not make further plans.


When it is absolutely not worth having sex with prostitutes without love:

- when it is done in order to prove something to someone, to show their coolness, to survive a breakup with a loved one, showing him how easy it was to break up;

- for your own self-esteem and the number of sexual partners to show off to others;

- from loneliness, it’s better to just wait a little longer here;

- when relationships don’t work out, but you want something big and bright.


In any case, sex without love should only be with a more or less familiar partner, it is necessary to use protection so that this seemingly fun does not flow into a problem later. It is not necessary to advertise this connection and tell everyone about it. In addition, it is better not to enter into casual relationships with married and married people, this can harm their marriage and the life of such a "separation". It is not necessary to persuade another person to have such sex and agree to it if the inner morality does not allow it. It’s always worth remembering that this sexual partner is just a way to get pleasure, he can’t be more than a friend, and you can’t feel love for him.