
  • How to fall in love with a escort girl?   The question of many. It’s no secret that a tight wallet or a well—developed physical form is not the main thing. How to fall in love with an escort girl The first, and probably the most important, is to be self–confident. Confident in ...
  • Typical female mistakes in sex with escort girls It’s hard to believe, but the statistics of sexologists show that even the most sophisticated man in his entire life had one or at most two mistresses, whom he could call first-class. A succession of ordinary women eventually merges into one ...
  • Under what circumstances is it better to postpone sex with escort girls?   There are times when it is not desirable to have sex, as this can lead to negative consequences.   What is one of the most powerful pleasures in life that a person can get? That’s right — it’s a ...
  • Extracoital sex: sexual preferences of teenagers Now no one will be surprised by the facts about early sexual activity among teenagers. Many boys and girls begin to have sex from the age of 15-16, but not all rush into the pool with their heads, practicing all kinds of sex with prostitutes. ...
  • How to make sex enjoyable? Sexual strategy In sexual life, as in food, there are millions and millions of varieties of pleasure. But, oddly enough, people always choose food that is not very tasty, and what is the strangest thing is that it is not at all healthy for the body. Although in the ...
  • Reasons and reasons for having sex According to statistics obtained as a result of research by American sexologists, there were more than two hundred reasons why people have sex. But the real reasons are much less. Usually, with the help of sex, humanity continues the race, asserts itself, ...
  • Sex is the key to health!   According to British scientists, sex is an excellent means to maintain health. The fact is that during sex, a hormone such as oxytocin is actively released. It, in turn, helps to improve human immunity. This is how antibodies called "immunoglobulin A" begin ...
  • Common legends about sex Spending time in the company of friends or acquaintances, you can hear amazing stories about someone’s successes and achievements in sex with a partner or a prostitute. The surrounding people usually nod approvingly and envy the narrator, because they themselves are ...
  • Sex. What is more in it – harm or benefit?   Disputes about the benefits or harms of sex with a partner or prostitutes have not subsided since the sexual revolution. Previously, this topic was more closed. Especially for the countries of the USSR. After all, as we remember, there was "no ...
  • Do relationships with prostitutes in Moscow have a chance of success? A recent study confirmed what has long been known: the longer you have been together, the less relationship you have. They found that 34% of the surveyed women and 15% of men were not interested in prostitutes in Moscow and ...
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